They do still exist, if you know where to look. And if you aren't that fussy about who your neighbors are.
This guy at a cafe I frequent in the South End (where the best descriptor for the few low-rent apartments I've heard is: You get what you pay for, but you don't pay much) was talking about his apartment. He lives closer to downtown, in a neighborhood that is a crossroads for the South End, Chinatown, and the Theater District.
He was saying that, even though there were million-dollar condos nearby, his block was pretty safe: "Within walking distance there's Rosie's Place, the methadone clinic, and Liquormart. The Devil's Triangle. My rent will never go up."
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2 days ago
dude, Liquormart closed and was replaced by a CVS last year. Never say never.
huh? liquormart closed awhile ago... and this place is miles away from chinatown or the theater district.... it is the border between the south end and roxbury, with a dash of the industrial infill of the former south bay (ie newmarket square)
Apparently the guy doesn't know where he lives...either that or he's in the witness protection program...or has an active fantasy life...I don't know. I didn't follow him home to check his facts!
It was Liquor Land which closed over by Boston City Hospital then moved across from 1010 Mass Ave.
yeah--"huh" was my first thought. Rosie's? And Liquorland? And I don't know about the methadone clinic--I had always assumed that the line of guys outside BCH were waiting for methadone but I think I'm wrong. In any case, this is nowhere near the theater district or Chinatown--more like fringe of South End meets industrial Roxbury/Dorchester. There IS Skipton Kennels nearby which does some kick-ass dog training and the Henhouse which does some kick-ass waffles, but a walk home at night from a ballet at the Wang Center would be a little sketchy.
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