Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Worst Slide Story

In these tough economic times, it helps to laugh. (Well, it just helps to laugh period.) Here's an animated parody, courtesy of Walt Handelsman at Newsday. Click here and feel free to sing along.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My dog's better than your dog.

Puh-lease. OK, this is a humorous story. But the #1 story on Christian Science Monitor's website?

Well, to be technical, they can call it an article, but it's really a blog post. The original story, with video, is on the Syracuse Post-Standard. And the reason it's #1 is because people like me are linking to it and sending it around. And sites like the Monitor (I'm not sure if they can be called a newsite anymore. The jury's still out.) know this and are therefore more interested in courting this traffic than in trafficking in real news. It's what the market will bear. This phenomenon is the real story. And it's not as pretty and fluffy as either Bo or Champ.

But back to the dogs. Whose dog is better? Well, mine, of course! (Thanks, Kent, for the picture.)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Random Humor

Playing Pong with lighted sheep. It's as funny as it sounds.
Watch it here.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesday Quote of the Week

"The dissonance of today is the consonance of tomorrow."
~~Claude Debussy

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Khalil Gibran: Prophet and local boy done good

One of those books that should be on a reading list, one that I have read several times over the years, is The Prophet by Khalil Gibran.

Gibran, born in Lebanon, spent part of his childhood in Boston's South End and returned to Boston after spending several years in Lebanon. He moved on to New York where he died in 1931. There is a memorial to him in Copley Square, in the park between the library and Trinity Church.

In a recent blog post, Phil Metres offers a glimpse of Gibran as a houseguest of Metres' parents in Brooklyn Heights. Definitely well worth reading.